School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management

SECCM delivers practical, 实践经验,使毕业生能够适应快速的技术变革, communicate, and interact effectively.

About the school
Group picture of SECCM faculty

Message from Dean Griffin

Welcome to the School of Engineering, Computing and Construction Management at Roger Williams University.  I very much appreciate your interest in our programs.

At SECCM, bright, motivated students work on and study timely, real-world topics in modern facilities.  我们的创新教师使用新颖的教学方法和最先进的研究技术来推进他们的领域.  我们敬业的员工孜孜不倦地工作,以确保这些活动无缝进行.  We do these things in an environment that is welcoming to all.

We invite you to check out our new strategic plan 了解更多网赌的十大网站的使命和愿景,以及SECCM社区如何努力实现这些目标. You can also explore our website or read the latest version of our newsletter. Better yet, come and visit us on our beautiful campus in Bristol!

  • 100%
    Placement of Graduates

    Through the years, 我们的毕业生在毕业后的六个月内都能成功找到工作或进入研究生院.

  • 100%
    First Job, Dream Industry

    SECCM graduates land their first jobs in their targeted industries, such as engineering, defense, construction, manufacturing, technology, or consulting.

  • $72,245
    Average Starting Salary

    of 2022 SECCM graduates

SECCM Labs Exterior

State-of-the-Art Facilities

The newest building on the Bristol campus, the Richard L. 布雷迪应用学习实验室旨在促进协作和创新,同时为体验式学习提供高科技资源. The three-floor, 27,325-square-foot building, features seven cutting-edge laboratories, 高级设计项目室和开放空间,致力于实践教育.

Explore the Richard L. Bready Applied Learning Laboratories
Students in fluid mechanics class


Engineering at RWU is unique in its structure: a broad, liberal arts-infused foundation of math, 科学和工程与深入的专业土木分层, computer, electrical or mechanical engineering or a customized study. Through this accredited program, 你将发展创造力和灵活性,以解决在我们复杂和快速变化的世界中造福人类的实际问题.

Explore Our Engineering Program
Female student at computer.

Computer Science

计算机科学不仅仅是关于执行计算和学习特定的编程语言——它是关于精度的, 解决问题和创造技术服务和解决方案,将在日益复杂的未来工作. With coursework that combines solid theory, real-world practice and specialization options, RWU的学生已经准备好进入高需求的职业领域,从应用程序开发人员到大型软件系统设计师.

Explore Our Computer Science Program

Construction Management

RWU认可的本科建筑管理课程为未来的住宅领导者做好准备, commercial and highway building. Through classes, labs and hands-on projects in engineering, business, math, science, law and liberal arts, 您将学习如何管理建设项目从开始到结束-包括调度, budgeting, choosing materials and safely supervising people. 这就是为什么建筑雇主经常报告我们的毕业生表现超出预期. 

Explore Our Construction Management Program
Faculty points to big screen

Faculty and Staff

我们的教职员工由来自全国各地的学术专家和经验丰富的专业人士组成. 他们参与了教育学生的各个方面,并指导他们完成课程和职业成功.

Meet the Faculty and Staff
Student and professor in construction lab.


工程专业由ABET工程认证委员会( 建筑管理课程由美国建筑教育委员会( 计算机科学学士学位由ABET计算认证委员会认证 ( under the General Criteria and the Computer Science Criteria.

Enrollment and Graduation Data
A headshot of Alexia Byusa wearing a hardhat

Beyond Theory

Alexia Byusa, RWU Class of 2017

对Alexia Byusa来说,选择大学专业再简单不过了. 现在她是RWU的校友,拥有作为土木工程师设计未来城市的知识和经验.

Read full story

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