
Public Health is a vast interdisciplinary field of study that incorporates all the perspectives, 角色, 政策, and institutions required to keep our populations safe from illness and injury.

不像医学领域, 哪个关注个人健康, public health focuses on the health of communities and populations at local, 国家, 以及全球层面. The study of public health covers a broad range of topics from the safety of food, 水, and highways to examining how individual behaviors and the social environment contribute to the prevention of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, 糖尿病, 和癌症. Knowledge of public health is an asset to all undergraduate students who, 作为世界公民, must cooperate in the effort to manage multiple, simultaneous threats to public health including: infectious diseases such as flu, TB and HIV; chronic disease risk factors such as obesity and smoking; the unequal distribution of disease and risk factors in the population; and shifts in environmental risks resulting from climate change. All of these issues entail complex ethical questions about individual freedom, 社会责任, 还有人权.

The Public Health program offers two degrees in public health: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. Each degree prepares graduates for exciting careers in the diverse domains of the field. All Public Health majors should have strong skills in science, 数学, 道德, 社会分析, and cultural awareness along with excellence in written and oral communication. Students pursuing a major in Public Health complete a semester-long field experience that integrates their skills in connection with a contemporary public health issue. The major pairs well with a second major in the arts and sciences and a variety of minors in interdisciplinary and professional fields.


Students focused in public health have participated in a range of internships including:

  • 美国肺脏协会
  • 斯坦福大学亚洲肝脏中心
  • 疾病预防控制中心
  • 联邦紧急事务管理局
  • Foundation for Inter国家 Medical Relief of Children
  • National Association of County and City Health Officials
  • U.S. 移民和难民委员会
  • 布里斯托尔健康公平区
  • 罗德岛家庭服务中心
  • 农场新鲜RI
  • 詹姆斯L. 马赫中心
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, RI Affiliate
  • 罗德岛康复医院
  • 罗德岛州卫生部
  • 罗德岛免费诊所


Many public health students go on to graduate school including placements at the following:

  • 波士顿大学公共卫生学院
  • 埃默里大学公共卫生学院
  • 石溪大学护理学院
  • 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼公共卫生学院
  • 塔夫茨大学公共卫生学院
  • UMASS Amherst School of Public Health and Health Science
  • University of New England, College of Health Professions
  • 布朗大学公共卫生学院
  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • MGH卫生专业研究所